cantik,aktingnya bagus,suaranya oke. gara-gara dia gw jadi tertarik sama she and him, duo musiknya dia dan gw sangat suka lagu ini " I Thought I Saw Your Face Today"
I thought I saw your face today
but I just turned my head away
Your face against the trees
but I just see the memories
as they come
as they come
And I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
I saw it glitter as I grew
and love did what I never knew
I thought this place was heaven sent
but now it's just a monument
in my mind
in my mind
And I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
The cars and freeways implore me to stay way out of this place
My mother said just keep your head and play as it plays
The cars and freeways implore me to stay way out of this place
My mother said just keep your head and play as it plays
I somehow see what's beautiful in things that are ephemeral
I'm my only friend, am I?
Love is just a piece of time
in the world
in the world
And I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
i really love her voice!
5 komentar:
gw juga suka!
trus banyak yang bilang dia mirip katy perry.
gw jadi suka katy perry juga lama2!
eh iya yahh, kalo dipikir2 mukanya emang aga mirip sama katy perry! hahhaa
Baru ngeh juga agak mirip katy perry,tp gw ga suka si perry ah,ahaha.
zooey ni mukanya klasik bgt ya tine ^^ di album yg ini gue suka yg sentimental heart sama sweet darling, bagussssssss...
iya ka mezoo,klasik cantik..stuju!oh iya,aku juga suka lagu2 itu.
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